Stock details. If you cannot select the issue you require from the drop down select bar or you cannot see the issue number you require then it will be out of stock. Please go to the website partworkscollectables and follow this procedure:- select issue - currently unavailable - please email for stock notify on availability. The next time I have stock the site will automatically email you that its available.
Combine postage. This is easier to do online through the website,, the site combines postage worldwide.
Postage for one or more issues. Please look on Ebay for postage costs on one or more item. Select postage details then your location, this will show you postage on the first item and how much for every other item if you require more than one.
Buying more than one item. If this is done through Ebay you “add to basket” (NOT “buy now”). Once you have finished buying click “checkout and pay”.
Sold Singly, By the issue number i do not sell full collections you select the issue number you require from the selection bar you can buy as many or as few as you require.
Stock details, If you cannot select issue you require from drop down select bar or you cannot see the issue number you require then it will be out of stock, go to web site partworkscollectables and follow this procedure, Select issue, Currently unavailable, please email for stock notify on availability, next time i have stock the site will email you that its available.
Combine postage, its easier to do online through web site partworkscollectables co uk the site combines postage worldwide.
Postage for one or more issues, on ebay to see how much the postage is on one or more item select postage details then your location, this will show you postage on the first item and how much for every other item, if you require more than one.
Buying more than one item, If its done through ebay you add to basket (not buy now) once you have finished buying click checkout and pay.
partworkscollectables co uk
Condition | Used Very Good |